Episode 233: The Lesson About Our Perception Of Time

lessons learned series Jun 16, 2022

This "lessons learned" episode was inspired by my recent free training and the questions I've received by some who've attended.

It got me thinking about how, when we are trying to make a decision - especially when it's something we want (but something that may be a bit scary and out of our comfort zone), we use time as an easy excuse. And when we do this, it's through a lens of lack vs. a lens of abundance.

We look at what taking this action will COST us in time vs. what we will GAIN from the time we put in. Will it take time from our already busy schedule and cause more overwhelm, or will the time we take give us more quality of time in the future?

Two completely different perceptions when changing the lens we look through, right?!

Let's use some example questions to show the difference when looking through the lack vs. the abundance lenses. (I'll use questions related to enrolling in the Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School since they are what inspired this episode and the best examples...

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Episode 231: The Lesson In How Downloads Can Make A Difference

lessons learned series Jun 10, 2022

Today's lesson is about a specific download I had recently that I shared in my free training series that really resonated with the women who were participating this past week.

This lesson was a great reminder to me that downloads aren't just messages that are for us but ones we are meant to share. It was so amazing to receive this download and then to turn it into a lesson for others and see it shift perspectives and make an impact.

So which of the 3 Ds, if any, are you most guilty of? 

It was wonderful to receive another example of how nudges, if we pay attention and act on them, lead us to where we are meant to go and teach us beautiful things - and often create a ripple effect.

And because I love alliteration, let me end by saying... Downloads are downright delightful and definitely make a difference!

CLICK HERE to see the image of the 3 Ds that I walked through in the training.
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Episode 227: The Lesson In Trying

lessons learned series May 26, 2022

Today's lesson in trying came from a recent direct message I received from someone on Instagram, who shared with me that she's very unhappy with her life but told me she was "trying." Over the course of the conversation, it became apparent to me that all she was doing was thinking about taking action but never really doing anything to make changes.

So I took that as a sign to add this topic as a great "lesson learned" topic!

Like I mention at the beginning, the word "try" isn't always disempowering. It depends on the context with which it's used. The point I'm making is we often use it as an excuse to get out of something we need to get done.

So listen in to what I've learned, as both a user of the word myself and hearing it often as a coach, how it's one of those words you need to watch for, and my best tips for what to do when it crosses your lips which I include here as follows:

  • Start to be aware of how often you use it and notice when other people use it.
  • Why did you feel the...
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Episode 225: The Lesson In The F Word

lessons learned series May 19, 2022

Today's lesson is actually more of a realization that came up when I was creating a Reel, a newer feature on Instagram and Facebook that I've learned, where you can do short videos using different kinds of audios.

I've been having a blast with them because they let me share what I think are valuable messages but in an informal and often silly way - because I love using humor. The world is too serious so the more I can make someone laugh, while also making them think, the better!

So I came across this audio that I really liked but it had the F word in it. And because I don't normally use that word and I've NEVER used it on social media, it gave me pause. And it made me really afraid to use it because I was worried about what others would think. (I know I shouldn't care but the  human in me got in my way!)

The lesson arrived as this realization that the F word triggers me based on my belief system. Of course!!! So many words our ears hear do this to us!

So I decided to explore...

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Episode 223: The Lesson In The Magic Of Belief

lessons learned series May 12, 2022

Today I share a lesson I got last week when I went for my mammogram. But it had nothing to do with my boobies! 

The lesson was about using my brain to believe things BEFORE they actually happen. I got the idea from a book I just finished called "The Magic Of Believing" by Claude M. Bristol.

I know about visualization and I actually teach it in my program "The Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™ but I found the book with its many examples of events or outcomes that actually happened from simply repeating phrases or envisioning pictures in your mind before they happen. 

I listened to it on Audible but loved it so much that I ended up ordering the paperback. And of course I wanted to share it with you and my personal experience of putting the concept into action.

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Episode 219: The Lesson From Asking Crappy Questions

lessons learned series Apr 28, 2022

This episode is a continuation of the previous two "Lessons Learned" episodes (215 and 217) so if you haven't listened to those, you may want to check them out too. This one, just like the others, are great lessons independent of the others but they are related in that they are lessons about the way we talk to ourselves and how we can improve that language.
In this one, I talk about certain words that need to be removed from our vocabulary completely because they cut off any hope of a solution, and how simple word changes in a question send completely different messages to our subconscious.
It's a pretty simple but useful trick, and if you try it, the quality of your life is guaranteed to improve! I even share a terrific quote that you will probably want to write down and post on your mirror as a daily reminder for how important it is to ask yourself better questions!
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Episode 217: The Lessons From Shoulding All Over Ourselves

lessons learned series Apr 21, 2022

This is a twofer episode because I'm sharing TWO Lessons Learned instead of just one!

The first is a lesson I learned earlier this week from renting an Airbnb "apartment" that turned out to be not what I expected... I decided to add it to this episode at the last minute, while it was fresh in my mind, because it's a great lesson in paying more attention to detail and I thought it may be helpful to someone who is planning an upcoming trip!

The second lesson learned is the one I planned to do, which is an exercise I did at a recent business retreat. It's a bit of a follow up to the one I did last week so if you missed my episode on the Inner Critic, check it out here.

Make sure you actually DO the exercise and don't think just by listening to it, that suffices as doing it! Unlike most episodes, this one requires extra EFFORT! ;) I promise that going through the process as I describe is super effective.

What came up for you? How do these statements tie back to the Inner Critic...

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Episode 215: The Lessons From My Inner Critic

lessons learned series Apr 14, 2022

I'm excited to bring you my FIRST "Lessons Learned" episode of this new annual series! I'll be sharing one of these episodes every Friday, with the exception of the first Friday of the month, which is when I'll be airing my "Just Friggin' Do It" monthly episodes. 

In these "Lessons Learned" episodes, I'll be sharing something I have recently learned that I believe will provide you with new insight or a learning opportunity, maybe with an exercise - like this episode - or simply inspire you to look at something that has happened, maybe a mistake, as a great lesson.

In today's episode, I share an exercise that I did at a recent business retreat that focused on mindset. The exercise is a great way to uncover those unhelpful messages from the "Inner Critic" who unfortunately resides in all of us and controls a lot of our thoughts and decisions, keeping so many of us from achieving our full potential.

Listen in and do the exercise to discover how to catch those negative messages...

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